Star Trails (Constellations)
This mosaic was created specifically for the Constellations exhibition at Chester Cathedral, organised by the British Association for Modern Mosaic. It was a development of my previous Star trails mosaics, this time placing an emphasis on concentric circles. Below is the description I wrote for the exhibition.
Over lockdown I came across many pictures of star trails. With flights grounded, photographers were finding it easier to capture images of star trails as there were no stray lines from aeroplanes to edit out.
I found myself drawn to the patterns that were created - concentric circles created by hundreds of stars. The stars stay in place while the earth rotates. I love that we can use modern technology to capture these ancient celestial bodies, creating an image that has a very contemporary feel.
I felt that the images of star trails also served as a reminder that, although our lives were so disrupted, the earth continued to turn. A reassurance that things hadn’t stopped completely and that hopefully things would improve.
The star trail images are made up of hundreds of stars - just as mosaics are created from hundreds of pieces. The individual stars are following their own path as the Earth turns, but when put together create something beautiful. I like to think of this as a positive metaphor for us as humans - that when we come together we can achieve great things - things of beauty, hope and change for the better.